Bitukura gorilla family: Ruhija sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is home to the Bitukura gorilla family. With four male silverbacks remaining in the same family, this family is thought to be one of the nicest gorilla groups. It was called after the river Bitukura near Bwindi, where the group was first reported and is still present today. Together with the other eleven (11) gorillas, the group consists of 13 member families. The dominating silverback among these is Ndahura, who is the head silverback of the family. The other male silverbacks are named Karamuzi, Rukumu, and Rukara.
This particular group was habituated in 2007, and the Bitukura gorilla family was already available for trekking in 2008. This made it the quickest family to become fully habituated in just one year and one month since the gorilla habituation process started in Bwindi National Park, as other groups take two to three years to become habituated.
The Bitukura gorilla family is notable and unique because it was led by Ndahura, the youngest silverback, who passed away four years ago following an accident involving a tree. He received this leadership enthronement from Karamuzi, who served for 40 years and retired, when he was very young. This is known as total democracy. At the moment, Bitura Silverback, the leader, is in charge of Karamuzi.
Other members of the Bitukura gorilla family have continued to split off, but this hasn’t stopped the group from expanding. While some members have left, the others have been born, and the newest member of the family, Ruhara, is now an adult.
Because of its closeness to the Bitukura Kyaguriro family, this family became accustomed to the rangers and researchers more quickly. Thus, when it was time for its turn to become accustomed to the travelers, it did not take it long. Trekking with gorilla family is fascinating because of their discipline.
Oruzogo gorilla family
The Oruzogo family, the final gorilla family in the Ruhija area, is referred to as the most obstinate and adored by tourists because of its courage and skill, particularly when it meets tourists. Travelers are entertained by this family’s character and are unable to imagine their time passing while engaging with members of this specific group. This family, which has twenty-two members with Bakwata Silverback as its head, was formally established in 2011.
The name of the family, Oruzogo, was taken from a well-known plant called Oruzogoto, which grows in the Ruhija Park, where members of this particular gorilla family have been observed. As a result, visitors may also witness the best plant species that support these species. Silverback Bakwate, which means “bright and quicker learner,” silverback Tibirikwata, and adult female Mutesi, which means “tranquil and comfortable,” are other important members of this group.
Adult female Birungi (pretty), adult female Kashundwe (has a mole on her nose), adult female Nyakiina (has a depression on her nose bridge), adult female Busungu (hot-tempered), and adult female Kakobe (looks like a baboon due to her long and protruding nose). Despite the challenges of hiking this family, which is known for its rough terrain, it has proven to be a fascinating gorilla family that amazes visitors.
As a result of the growing number of visitors to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, our visitors to the Ruhija sector can efficiently observe and witness all of these group families, and permits can be reserved in advance. We arrange your travel permits as African adventure vacations, so get in touch with us to discuss your safari itinerary.