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Rwenzori Mountain National Park

Rwenzori Mountain National Park

Rwenzori Mountains National Park covers about 100,000 ha in western Uganda and comprises the main part of the Rwenzori Mountain chain, which includes Africa’s third highest peak (Mount Margherita: 5,109 m). The region’s glaciers, waterfalls and lakes make it one of Africa’s most beautiful alpine areas. The park has many natural habitats of endangered species and a rich and unusual flora comprising, among other species, the giant heather.
The mountain contains a variety of wildlife such as elephant, buffalo and the rare Rwenzori leopard, Rwenzori colobus, Hyrax, Blue monkey and Rwenzori Turaco. It is the only national park in Uganda where the Angola Colobus recorded. The localized Angola Colobus  easily confused with the more wide spread Black- and –white Colobus, and therefore needs to be examined more closely.
The Rwenzoris offers excellent mountaineering and hiking opportunities which gives one a wonderful and memorable experience.


The Park  accessed by both road transport and air transport. For those who want to travel by air a private charter flight  arranged for you to Kasese air strip where a transfer to the park made. Nyakalengija trailhead lies off the Fort Portal Road, 22km from Kasese. Transport can be arranged in Kasese.
Mount Rwenzori National Park a home to magnificent Rwenzori Mountain ranges which comes with waterfalls, blue cirque Lakes, unique vegetation as well as 18 mammal species, 217 avifaunal species, 9 reptiles, elephants, leopards, chimpanzees and many others.


Mountain climbing

Rwenzori Mountain range rewards hikers with the most thrilling adventure and while on a hike, you come across distinct vegetation zones, glaciers and not to forget magical views over its peaks and surrounding areas. Hiking to the peak of this mountain requires some physical wellness in you. This mountain features Mount Stanley, Vittorio Emmanuelle which stands at 4889 meters on Mount Speke, Edward at 4842 meters on Mount Baker.


As well, you can also take a 7 day trek around the central tourism circuit and 5 day trek on the Kilembe route to southern parts of the park. The Rwenzori Mountains offer excellent opportunities for mountaineering and trekking enthusiasts. The mountains present a significant challenge due to their steep slopes, dense vegetation, and unpredictable weather. The most popular routes for climbers are; the Rwenzori Central Circuit Trail, which takes around 8-12 days to complete and then the Kilembe route that takes 7 to 10 days to reach the summit.

Nature walks

If you can’t make it up to the Margherita peak, there is a better option for you to and that is nothing other than nature walks. On nature walk, you have a chance to sight at varied plant species, meet the Bakonzo communities for you to learn more about their cultures and traditions.


With over 217 bird species confined within this park, birders are never left out. Mount Rwenzori National Park boasts of its diverse bird species and while on birding tour, the birds to spot out include barred long tailed cuckoo, long eared owl, Rwenzori Turaco, slender billed starling, Lagden’s bush shrike, blue headed sunbird, barbets, golden winged sunbird, greenbul, handsome francolin, strange weaver, illadopsis, crimson wings, flycatchers, cinnamon chested bee-eaters and many more.

Cultural encounter

A safari to Mount Rwenzori National Park never goes without a visit to nearby local community to experience the African cultures. A cultural tour in this park gets you a chance to learn more about the cultural lifestyles and what they do each day learn more about drumming and unique dances among others. You can also head off to Ruboni village for you to explore more about their lifestyles and other interesting things.


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